Chernigov, Ukraine - The crowd gathered in the small synagogue with excited anticipation. The location: Nyezin, resting place of the second Lubavitcher rebbe, just 100 kilometers from home.
On Lag b’omer, a busload of Jews from Chernigov traveled to Nyezhin to be by the Mitteler Rebbe on this, his holiday.
From the hayom yom of Lag Ba’omer:
Lag Ba'Omer was one of the Mitteler Rebbe's particularly noteworthy festivals. He and the Chassidim would go out to the fields that day. . . Many wonders were seen at that time, most of them involving the blessing of children for childless couples - andall year long people waited for Lag Ba'Omer.
This year, the Jewish community of Chernigov went out to the fields on Lag Ba’omer, hoping that they too, would be worthy of wonders.
Maksim inspired the crowd with his miracle story. 4 years ago, after praying at the ohel in Nyezhim for the chance to have a Jewish education, he and his friends ‘coincidentally’ bumped into a man who took on the cost of their Jewish education.
In the crowd was Levi, an adorable 2 year old, who, later this summer, will be celebrating his upshernish. He is a miracle child, born after his grandparents visited the ohel in Nyezhin.
The experience in the ohel was truly one of inspiration. For most, it was their first time there, and they truly felt the holiness of the moment.
Next, we were on to the grand Lag B’omer barbeque. While the children were entertained by a clown, the adults partook of a delicious barbeque, enjoying the beautiful weather, abundant kosher food, and the Jewish company.
Perhaps the most touching miracle is how the trip inspired those who were part of it. Michal is a 9 year old girl whose father recently began putting tefillin on each morning. After her trip to Nyezhin, she wanted to know what she can daven. She wants to start each day with a prayer, just like Papa.
This trip was l’zchus zera chaya v’kayama - beautiful, healthy children for Rochel bas Rus and Hershel Tzvi ben Simcha
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